What is a Red Team?

Historically, following World War Two, to ensure the U.S. and its allies remained competitive in the world, special groups of expert outsiders were enlisted to find vulnerabilities, shake up preconceived notions, and imagine the unimaginable. 

These were the first Red Teams.

A red team was a group of players that was well versed and dedicated to studying the tactics of their opponent.

Today, the term red team is ubiquitous with any group that specializes in challenging conventional thinking and purposefully using the lens of the opponent.

Red teams are employed across industries, from aerospace to cyberspace, to ensure they stay ahead by thinking outside the box. 

Red teams know their surest route to success is to think like the opponent.

Employ the same tactics that most families use, expect similar results. If your only strategy is to get the best grades and test scores without learning about the data and statistics around the colleges themselves, you’ll end up disappointed.

We teach our clients to think about college differently.
